Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Not Just for Lovers ;)

Earlier this morning I was doing some reading/skimming of a youth ministry books and my thoughts wandered off to Theology of the Body and friendship. Theology of the Body isn't just about dating and marriage, it should affect the core of all relationships. It asks us how we can uphold the dignity of our friends, no matter who they are.

My spiritual director and I once talked about how we can learn to love others by loving God first, but we can also learn how to love God by loving others. Make sense? It is amazing at how we are called to be in relationship with God and with others... relationships are an essential part of our lives! Learning to love our friends for who they are can help prepare us for that big "I do," granted that we are called to that (or aren't already married).

The stages of friendship are so unique... and coming down to Fort Worth I've been able to experience them all anew. It can be difficult to remain patient in friendships and not expect them to blossom overnight, which is something I have learned. When that comfortability does come in a friendship it is a joyous feeling, even simply making yourself at home at someone else's place. I always hope that wherever my home is can be a "home" to others as well, that they would feel comfortable to let themselves in (that is, if I know they're coming!), use the kitchen, and simply kick back and relax. Friends are great blessings and they keep the flow of life running through our bodies, energizing us with joy and laughter and helping us to embrace suffering and pain.

Love is what makes life exciting; life is what makes love exciting.

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