Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Quick Quote

Thought of this the other night...

Your Prince Charming isn't going to be some cookie-cutter perfect man...he is going to be the man who captures your heart and holds on to it like the greatest treasure in the world.

Hopefully more on that to come.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How I Know it's Love

How I know it's love: Receiving an unexpected text from the bf saying:

Lisa, you are such an amazing, beautiful, and holy woman. I am completely stoked I have the opportunity to date you. That is all.

 Reading those words after I got back from lunch rendered me completely speechless as waves of emotion swallowed up my heart. I love him. :) And I had to share that somewhere...thought this would be a good outlet for it.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

In the future...


In the future when I have kids, I want them to be able to look at my husband and me and say "Wow, my parents are so in love!"