Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Prince Charming

Earlier today I read a friend's blog post that I enjoyed for several reasons. It's titled "One day my Prince will come..." and I immediately connected because I used to write that in some of my journal entries. She started off writing about how perfect Prince Charming is and how every little girl might expect him to come...yet he isn't realistic. After reading that I wasn't sure where she was taking the post (I believe that I have finally "found" my Prince Charming, so of course I think it's possible). She then turned it in a different direction and reflected on how she doesn't have to wait for her Prince Charming because he has been here all along in the person of Jesus. We are already princesses and are loved with a deep and great love. She then swings it back to talking about a "future spouse" and I loved these next few lines:
I do believe that if God is calling me to marriage, He has also created a man who will be perfect for me. He will compliment me in all the ways I need to be complimented and he will make me a more holy and faithful woman of God. In his unique way he will be my Prince and sometimes he will save the day but he will never be my Savior.
As I said earlier, I believe I have finally found my Prince Charming. I once thought it was someone else, but turns out I was wrong, and boy am I glad I was wrong. Sometimes people say "you just know," and that is true. It's only been two months but we're already discussing and discerning the vocation of marriage. I learn more and more how we do compliment each other and he (and his dad) make me want to be a better and more holy woman.

I thank God every day for this man, and it turns out that waiting for pursuit really is worth the wait. :-)

1 comment:

Shawndra Hall said...

Lisa, I really enjoyed reading your post. Thank you for sharing. :)